Trio - ein neues Muster!    Trio - a new Pattern!

Das Zeichnen des Musters "Twing" für die Square-one Challenge hat mich zu einem wellenartigen Muster inspiriert. Dabei ist spontan diese eine "Welle" am Rand entstanden, die mir sehr gefiel.

Tangling the Twing Challenge of Square-one I felt inspired to draw something wavy, so the Pattern in the corner of the tile below appeared spontaneously, which I liked.

Ich probierte das nochmals zu zeichnen und dabei ist dieses Muster herausgekommen. Ich nenne es Trio, weil es wie eine kleine, dreiköpfige "Familie"  anmutet. Da ich selber am liebsten fliessende, runde Striche zeichne, ist das ein sehr typisches Muster für mich. ;-)

Z-enjoy it!

I tried to draw that again and so this pattern was born. I call it "Trio" because it looks like a little family of three to me. As I prefere flowing, round strokes, this pattern really fits myself. ;-)

Z-enjoy it!

zentangle pattern trio by zenjoy

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 8
  • #1

    alice (Donnerstag, 21 August 2014 01:48)

    beautiful tangle! thank you for sharing the steps :)

  • #2

    Amy in TN (Donnerstag, 21 August 2014 02:47)

    This is really lovely! I look forward to trying your tangle, and I thank you very much for sharing it!

  • #3

    zenjoy (Donnerstag, 21 August 2014 11:40)

    Thank you Alica and Amy, you are welcome! I look forward to seeing your own way of using Trio! :-)

  • #4

    Nathalie (Mittwoch, 27 August 2014 23:44)

    An absolutely lovely pattern. I cannot wait to try your beautiful tangle. (CZT - NY)

  • #5

    Maria Perez (Dienstag, 02 September 2014 02:06)

    It's amazing! ! I love it Hanny!! What a great pattern you've created.

  • #6

    zenjoy (Dienstag, 02 September 2014 07:48)

    Thank you Nathalie and Maria! I enjoy drawing it myself a lot, it puts me in a happy, flowing mood. Cant wait to see your tiles including it! :-)

  • #7

    Jane Eileen (Montag, 01 Juni 2015 12:45)

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your tangle and showing such amazing ways to use it!

  • #8

    Lynn Bulmann (Dienstag, 07 März 2017 23:55)

    This is so beautiful, it does remind me of a family. Thank you for sharing it.